page title icon Know How Much Anxiety You Have Amid COVID-19!

COVID-19 brought before us a not-seen-before situation. In this, children got confined to their homes. In such conditions, the mental and social well-being of people, particularly children and youngsters, can easily get disturbed or may lead to what we can call Covid-anxiety. Do you also feel a pinch of this stress? Take this simple quiz to know your level of anxiety amid COVID-19.


I feel tired all the time staying at home in the pandemic.

I don't feel like doing anything or following a routine.

I feel lonely and bored.

I have postponed all my important tasks and waiting for things to become better after the pandemic.

I am finding it difficult to cope with the present situation.

I haven't talked to my friends on a phone call for a while.

I do at least 30 minutes physical activity for my fitness everyday at home.

I am experiencing lots of mood swings lately.

I get easily irritated or intimidated these days.

I fear I may get COVID infection anytime even if I follow all the precautions as per the COVID protocol.

I keep worrying about my loved ones who have to go out for work or to get grocery or some other reason.

I miss playing outdoors and going out too much.

I constantly worry about my future as everything is so uncertain.

I am not able to sleep properly due to stress.

I watch COVID related news the whole day and that increases my panic of the pandemic.

I make it a point to take care of my health and eat healthy food.

I am able to concentrate on my studies and other tasks for at least 20 mins.

Quiz: Know How Much Anxiety You Have Amid Covid-19
Result! You have low levels of COVID-anxiety. Congratulations! You are coping well in the current pandemic. A little anxiety is normal for people during this time.
Result! You have moderate levels of COVID-anxiety.
Result! You are suffering from a high-level of COVID-anxiety. Just relax and stop worrying so much. You may want to talk to someone or seek help of a professional, if required.

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